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La Blanchetiere

Charming house in the heart of the Pays d'Auge
La Blanchetière-French normandy cottage-Calvados

Photo gallery of a charming cottage in Normandy: La Blanchetière

Find here the photo gallery of La Blanchetière, our charming cottage, in Normandy, in Calvados.

In the heart of the Pays d'Auge, La Blanchetière, a charming gîte in Normandy, offers its visitors a restful setting, tasteful decoration, quality services. The comfort of our house will give you pleasant moments of relaxation with family or friends and will allow you to fully savor the charms of Calvados.

We have gathered on this page the photos and images used to illustrate our pages and articles.

La Blanchetière from every angle

Interior photo gallery

Exterior photo gallery

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